Stanislav Lubina : Universal library of finger alphabet
Písmeno A / SK Písmeno B / SK Písmeno E / SK Písmeno C / SK Písmeno E / SK Písmeno D / SK Písmeno A / SK nič - medzera Písmeno S / SK Písmeno K / SK


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Interpersonal communication represents some kind of imagined line of the human society. It is our means of progressing and our cultural heritage. Interpersonal communication has several forms. It is based on a unique ability of the man to create symbols, to operate with them to think through them and to make understood by them.

Communication of auditory disadvantaged people is a subject- matter of this book. Deafness is one of life facts in a human community. People, being auditory disadvantaged, live their lives, which differ in some regards from the lives of hearing people. But they are not of less value. By the world statistics 2-5% of population has auditory malfunctions. There live about 70 millions of people with a hard auditory disfunction in the world. For a hard hearing community a finger alphabet is an inseparable aid to master and to use a language structure. A book „Universal library of finger alphabet” written by Stanislav Lubina gives a comprehensive view on a finger alphabet from thirty six European countries, from twenty two American countries, from twenty three countries of Asia; twenty one countries of Africa, from two states of Australia, and from one state of Euro-Asia, which are categorized systematically in the book.

A finger alphabet is an auxiliary manual means in communication of auditory disadvantaged people and it is created by different positions of fingers of one arm or by fingers of both arms in the space depicting a written form of speech. At the same time particular phones are articulated. A finger alphabet helps in getting over differences in a phonetic and a written form. The signs have mainly a specific shape of particular letters. Perception of a finger alphabet supports an analysis and synthesis process and it speeds up a training in reading and writing. It is used mainly in situations, where there is no sign. It applies mainly to new terms and strange words, personal names, designations of towns and villages, countries´, mountain ranges´ and institutions´ names. At present we recognize two variations of finger alphabet, namely, one hand alphabet, when always a dominant arm points and two-handed, which, as indicated by the title – uses the both hands. Training to speech through a finger alphabet can be started by a child before joining the pre-schooling facility in age of 2,5 year. It is an advantage of a finger alphabet, that it does not take much time, nor it is difficult to master it, it helps in expressing words in a correct grammar form and thus it enables to obtain a wider vocabulary before a child adopts an audio aspect of the speech Application of a finger alphabet has also its disadvantages. It includes particularly, that a communication is lengthy, it does not match a rhythm of speech, it is unable to express feelings nor an exact expression of term guarantees its understanding.

Apart from a finger alphabet in the book we will see the Lorm´s contact alphabet, which is assigned for a communication among deaf and blind people or among deaf and blind man and its intact social environment.

Stanislav Lubina had been explaining us during long discussions a fundament of a very important legal regulation dealing with auditory disadvantaged people, namely the Act on a signed language of deaf persons Nr149/1995 Code Reg./, noting, that a signed language of deaf persons is perceived as a natural visual – and –motion system of speech, being expressed by common and designated motions, positions and movements by the palms, fingers and facial gestures. This act provides the right for education using a signed language, right for obtaining information using a signed language in public-and-legal broadcasting, as well as in libraries and videotheques. It ensures also a free right for interpreting services in solving basic living matters of the auditory disadvantaged persons. One of Stanislav Lubina ´s motives to create such a book has been a significant deficiency in schooling materials for auditory disadvantaged persons, which would enable them to be fully integrated within the society.

Dotyková abeceda
Deaf-and-blind palm alphabet

The most often used and a natural signed language at international deaf affected persons is the American Signed Language /ASL/. Stanislav Lubina made certain about it having established his graphic oeuvres at many exhibitions. For all I would mention his exhibition at Brisbane /Australia/, his artistic action in Washington D.C. /USA/, in Gran-Gevrier /France/, where his oeuvre was met with a great interest, as his oeuvre is really original. Historian of the art Marián Kvasnička says the following words relating Stanislav Lubina ´s graphic oeuvre: „If you manage to be quiet for a moment, so Stano Lubina ´s oeuvre will speak you about joyfulness, you can not buy, because it is joyfulness, you can reach only through a suffering, and through fighting with the person itself, and with own destiny despite or thanks to everything.“ This joyfulness can be found in a silence and the force in a unity of heart and soul as well as in a hope to recognize a society and if paying attention we can see it concentrated in this „Universal library of finger alphabet” …and through fighting with the person itself, and with own destiny despite or thanks to everything.“ This joyfulness can be found in a silence and the force in a unity of heart and soul as well as in a hope to recognize a society and if paying attention we can see it concentrated in this „Universal library of finger alphabet” …

Stanislav Lubina ´ s book is unique by its contents and it will satisfy exigent experts as well as non-professional applicants. It is beneficial from a perspective of disclosure of auditory disadvantaged persons within intact population, because it is a piece of work of the hard – hearing author, whose positive and creative approach to life in the book “Universal library of finger alphabet” brought except of a formal display of adroitness, art, craft, signs also unique contents, which contributes to the wealth of man and society.

PeadDr. R. Bartošík.

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Galéria M.A.Bazovského Trenčín

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Stano Lubina